Members of the MIT-led Simons Collaboration on Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems (CBIOMES) use NESE to store model output used in developing theories to explain and predict how phytoplankton are distributed in the ocean.
Members of the MIT-led Simons Collaboration on Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems (CBIOMES) use NESE to store model output used in developing theories to explain and predict how phytoplankton are distributed in the ocean.
Professor Fan Wang's Lab at MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research is uncovering the neural circuit mechanisms that govern sensory perception, pain, and behavior.
As first partner outside Mass., collaboration set to advance research computing in the region.
The Digital Repository Service (DRS) of Harvard University Libraries is a large-scale, centrally-supported repository for the long-term preservation and dissemination of the University’s digital content. NESE Tape is being used to enable ongoing digital preservation efforts there.
Red Hat will donate $551.9 million in software subscriptions to Boston University to help drive innovation for several key open source projects that form an open research cloud initiative.
A happy and healthy new year to all of our blog readers! As 2021 begins, we mark a major new expansion in scope of the NESE project (NESE Exascale) with the installation of the new NESE Tape tier consisting of a 133PB capable IBM TS4500 tape system.
Scott Yokel (Harvard FASRC) recently presented an overview of the Northeast Storage Exchange as an MGHPCC Virtual Booth talk at SC20.
If NESE is to become a growing and important part of a national cyberinfrastructure, we must be able to usefully provide storage for large-scale world-wide science as well as for smaller science, engineering and educational projects.
Massive data flows for NESE Exascale, where moving 1 PB per day should be the norm, require careful attention to be taken with regards to the network.
Following the success of NESE Ceph storage and buy-ins, and seeing science needs for exascale storage, we began a process of investigating a possible NESE storage tier capable of growing to exascale capacity over the next few years.
Picking up on a useful tradition from FASRC, Milan has started to host weekly NESE Office Hours.
Powered by storage technology supplied by Microway, the Northeast Storage Exchange (NESE) at the MGHPCC is changing the way Boston-area universities approach research data storage. Read this story at Inside HPC
Northeastern University professor Alain Karma is interested in the emergence of nonequilibrium patterns in nonlinear systems: work with diverse materials science and biology applications with both fundamental and practical relevance. In his research Karma and his team extensively use mathematical models and computational approaches rooted in nonequilibrium statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics.
The world is in the midst of a data revolution. In response the five universities that form the MGHPCC consortium have each initiated a new data science institute, initiative or program, but how and where to store all that big data? The Northeast Storage Exchange (NESE) is a shared regional storage resource funded by the National Science Foundation which […]
UMass researchers use NESE Disk to host data from their TolTEC Camera; a new millimeter-wavelength astronomical imaging tool under development for use with the Large Millimeter Telescope situated in Sierra Negra, Mexico.
Research progress is increasingly impacted by the available capacity of storage to flexibly exploit vast volumes of digital information. This is a trend across all fields of research, from astrophysics to zoology. The Northeast Storage Exchange (NESE) project, supported by the National Science Foundation, will create a next-generation storage infrastructure specifically targeted at enabling new […]